Member Measurement Trackiing Gym Software

Weight Loss • Blood Pressure • Body Mass Index • Unlimited Categories

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  • Edit Weight Loss Progress Gym Software
  • Track Your Members Weight Loss Gym Software

The measurements feature allows you to track and trend a member's measurements very easily. Usually the reason why someone joins a gym or membership facility is for them to to meet a certain goal or get better at something. With the measurements software feature, your gym or membership facility has the ability to track the progress of your members goals easily and efficiently. The software does not limit you on what you can track. It allows you to add as many categories as you need. For example, the software allows you to track categories like weight loss, weight gain, body mass index and blood pressure. These are just a few common categories, but you can add whatever your gym or membership facility needs to track.

What is the key benefit of the Measurements feature?
• Motivated Members
When a member has a goal in mind and they see the progress they are making, they will get motivated to continue using the membership services that you provide. A motivated member will become a long standing customer for years to come. Also, a motivated and happy member will promote your brand. So the more happy your members are, the stronger your business becomes.